there are so many holes in the intelligent design theorum, that in a decade it would be completely destroyed.
First of all, it is a false analogy to evolution. Evolution, the science and not a religion, has been up and down the scale of peer review, and thousands of papers written by reputable scientists, for 150 years already. It stands yet--and most reputable scientists accept evolution, although the pieces and dynamics are still being debated and peer reviewed
this "intelligent design" is nothing more than a re-introduction of Paley's watchmaker argument, put forth in the early nineteenth century and it has already been refuted, logically, almost ad infinitum by people who are clear thinkers, without the gag of religion over their mouths. is interesting to me that naturally, the push for the intelligent designer is designed to push the Christian god--the god of the west, who , of course,in the ethno-centrism of Christians, is the most intelligent of them all. <sarcasm> I would bet that those who believe this ID postulate, imagine in their minds, the intelligent designer wearing white robes, with long blondish hair,a long beard, and a halo around his head. You can bet if intelligent design nonsense is taught in the schools, no way will another different intelligent ethereal being, such as an alien, or a martian, or , heaven forbid, an intelligent member of some animal kingdom be considered. HOwever the flaws in the argument provide for that.