Whether they will learn from it is another story entirely.
This is a lesson that has been taught to would-be tyrants and conquerers throughout the millenia.
It is even given specific mention by Sun Tzu in this verse:
"If I wish to trap an enemy, I leave him a way to escape. That way he will not fight to the death to defeat me."
To put it more simply, it is considered very foolish to corner a wounded animal.
Now that the GOP has control of the majority of the state legislatures, governor's mansions, the House, the Senate, and the White House, they think that they will be able to rule the roost unopposed.
I am sorry, but I would have to tell them in response to that to go take that pipe dream of totalitarian rule and shove it up their collective asses so far that you would need a bathyscape to find it.
I think it is time, fellow Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Greens, Communists, Moderates, True Conservatives, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Bhuddists, Hindus, Pagans, and all those others who oppose the reckless agenda of the Reich Wing to stand our ground, MAKE our elected officials fight for what are the TRUE American values of Freedom, Diversity, Tolerance, Honour, and Dignity, and show those GOP dirty lying hypocritical SOBs that you don't fight someone who has nothing to lose.
For they forget that when you fight an enemy who has nothing to lose all they care about is not whether they live or die, but how many of their foe they can drag down into the grave with them.
If it be our fate that American Democracy be torn down and the great experiment in popular rule be turned into a one-party dicatorship, then at least I stand resolved that historians will NOT say, "The United States went down without a whimper."
I say, let them do their worst!
Let them come!
That day of the ending of this great republic will come, but I say to you, let us do all that is in our power to say in one loud clear voice to those who would seek to tear down this union of free peoples for which blood has been shed to mantain, "NOT THIS DAY!"