From NY Daily News 12/15/04 By Russ Buettner and Maki Becker
<snip>Maybe this was one White House invite that publishing titan Judith Regan should have turned down.
Regan paid an awkward visit to the White House yesterday - just 11 days after her ex-lover Bernard Kerik had been there to announce his nomination to lead the Department of Homeland Security.
A week later, Kerik embarrassed President Bush by withdrawing his nomination over questions of his background.
Since Kerik's withdrawal, numerous revelations have emerged of Kerik's past, including the Daily News' disclosure that he had two simultaneous extramaritial affairs in 2001 while married to his current wife.
One of those afairs was with Regan.
So when she accompanied former Gen. Tommy Franks - whose book Regan published - and his family as he accepted a Presidential Medal of Freedom, she got icy stares.
Regan, dressed in a navy pinstripe stuie with white cuffs and a white collar, even posed for a poto with Bush and the First lady at the East Room ceremony, according to a source who saw the uncomfortable meeting.
other than her awkward photo op, Regan steered clear of all cameras, the source said. <snip>
So much for Bush Family Values - Huh?