Security: Crisis? What crisis?
Some experts say the urgency to reform Social Security is manufactured and very troubling.
By Jeanne Sahadi, CNN/Money senior writer
NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - The debate over Social Security is well under way, with President Bush Thursday giving guidelines for addressing what most acknowledge will be a shortfall in the program's funding in 40 or so years.
The president and some others support overhauling the system by partially privatizing it by giving younger workers the option of creating their own investment accounts and diverting some of their Social Security taxes to fund them.
But critics say the current proposals are dangerous. And some argue that it's wrong to characterize the eventual shortfall as a crisis.CNN/Money will be covering the Social Security debate on an ongoing basis. This week, we're mapping out some of those critics' arguments.
Crisis? Check the calendar
Not only is Social Security not in crisis, it is as financially sound as ever, according to the liberal Center for Economic and Policy Research, run by Mark Weisbrot and Dean Baker, coauthors of "Social Security: The Phony Crisis."