"There's a long history in American politics of election-year shenanigans. Some did little damage and came under the head of pranks. Some have been more serious and have involved stolen and forged documents to disconcert the opposition and confuse the people. But the allegations in an important segment of the nation's press this year suggests a plan in high places to disrupt the normal processes of election politics beyond any such schemes in recent memory. The ... administration calls these allegations false, in some cases; overblown, hearsay, and misleading, in others. But apparently this segment of the press, and those disturbed at the possible injury done to the country's delicate election process, will not be satisfied with mere denials, will not put their suspicions to rest unless, or until, some impartial body examines the case and renders its verdict."
Which un-American anchorman uttered such treasonous slander? Why, none other than Walter Cronkite himself, on the "CBS Evening News" of Oct. 31, 1972.
Down to almost every last detail, we've been here before.