Liberal talk radio debuts in Charleston today when Clear Channel Radio launches WSSP Progressive Talk Radio 730-AM...
During the day, 730-AM will have 5,000 watts of power. Federal regulations governing AM stations require 730-AM to power down to about 100 watts at night because the AM signal travels much farther after sunset and can interfere with radio programming in other cities. WSSP will be heard as far away as Savannah.
The 730-AM lineup begins at 6 a.m. today with "Morning Sedition," featuring Marc Maron and Mark Riley. The station said "Morning Sedition" is a fast-paced show combining wit, political satire, news, interviews, analysis and opinion. At 9 a.m., 730-AM offers Stephanie Miller, host of the Oxygen Channel's "I've Got a Secret." Her show features topical and lifestyle issues and comedy parodies of the news.
The Ed Schultz Show airs from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Schultz is billed as the No. 1 talent in the heartland states. He offers news, politics and sports with an everyman appeal. The Randi Rhodes Show from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. features the wisecracking Brooklyn native and female talk radio pioneer. The Lionel Show from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. offers a former lawyer and host of "Snap Judgment" on Court TV, who is described as topical, dynamic and funny.
Source: BY PRENTISS FINDLAY Of The Post and Courier Staff