really do not think what they are doing is the same thing.
It's Fertility Clinics and in-vitro fertilization. We've talked about the stem cell research to use from those frozen zygotes (is that the correct name doc).
Also, when they implant fertilized eggs into the mother, they can put up to 8 at a time (probably more as well because the procedure is so expensive). Some will naturally abort themselves, while in some cases, they all will attach to the uterine wall. The parents, supposedly, have been made aware of this happening, and if it did, they may have to abort the less viable infants (which some do) so the others have a better chance for survival. Do you think they tell their other conservative friends what they've done. Why no, because it is nobody's business. (Hmmmmm, kind of sounds like a liberal).
You see, if it is to affect their own lives, and after all, they are trying to bring life into this World, the consequences of some of their actions are okay in their eyes. In other words, they justify it to fit their wants.
Now, when have you heard a right-wing, conservative Christian EVER discuss this? Ummmm . . . never.
They forget what is going on in these clinics. The fertilized eggs are frozen and if they are not used by the families later, they are disposed of. Since they are going to flush em or whatever the heck they do with them when it is time to get rid of them, why not let these be used for stem-cell research? Oh nooooooo, it's better to let them get flushed or whatever they do with them.
Bring it up next time you are talking to a friend to always votes "conservative" because she is against abortion, "and somebody has to be a voice for all those babies being murdered."
I promise you, it will throw them for a loop.
With in-vitro fertilization, there are more spontaneous abortions than anything. Why are they not trying to close these clinics down. I'll tell you exactly why.
Most of them are professionals (including their wives) who have put their careers first until the woman's little biological clock starts ticking. They have been successful in their work and now want to start a family. However, since most are waiting until their late 30's to try to get pregnant, it's not so easy. A woman does not produce as many eggs the older she gets. Since they can afford it, they will decide to get some type of help or find out what the problem is. If everyone checks out A-OK, that is when the in-vitro fertilization idea may come up. They are sent to a fertility specialist and the process begins. (look at Julia Roberts right now. She had hers implanted. Wonder how many? Wonder if she had to abort any to save others? Wonder if she has others still frozen like Celine Dion, who claims she still has one frozen and she will not leave it there but will try to get pregnant by using it sometime in the future. However, the longer the fertilized eggs are frozen, their percentage of success goes down).
They can afford this because they have worked hard and saved their money. I believe it is around 10-15 thousand dollars every time the eggs are harvested and fertilized with the father's sperm and then injected into the woman's uterus. It usually takes 2-3 times before they take. Some get lucky the first time while others continue to spontaneously abort the fertilized eggs, even after carrying them for months. I think Casey Kasem's wife had 9 missed abortions before she was finally able to have a child.
Now this is where their hypocrisy kicks in. These are your professionals that go to the church that all the other professionals in the town go to (mostly for show). It's always the biggest, prettiest, and most taken care of church in the area. None of their friends at church know about what they are going through OR they may know and are only praying for the couple to get pregnant. Now are these parents, who are pro-life, as well as their other friends at church, not willing to do whatever they need to do to have a child of their own? After awhile, they start to get desperate because of the biological clock.
These are like the people that would kill a doctor at an abortion clinic and call it justifiable homicide, or bomb the place and kill several people. Also, these are the people that believe life begins at conception (albeit in a petri dish), and quote scripture that proves abortion is a sin. However, they do not see what they are doing by having eggs harvested, fertilized, and injected into the woman, and having spontaneous abortions over and over. Then if they insert several, and suddenly she is pregnant with 8 babies or more, the doctors have to advise them of the ones to keep and the ones to abort, or there is high risk complications for the other babies being born with birth defects and/or dead. I'm not saying it is an easy decision for them, but it is one that many of them have made.
Then there are those woman that go ahead and insist on trying to have the 8 babies. However, you see that the majority of the babies suffer from some kind of health problem, either cognitively or physically or it may be developmentally as the child grows. By keeping them all, the mother is, basically, saying all or none. She cannot bring herself to choose to agree to abort even one to save seven. We never hear on the news whenever a woman loses all 8-10 babies due to not aborting some of them to save some of them; even though they realize this may be a decision they will have to make, and agree to it while the doctor is inserting up to 8 fertilized eggs into them. But until one is in that situation, who knows what you would choose to do. Hmmmmm, sounds familiar.
Sorry so long. I tend to ramble on.