Try not to read this if you have a weak stomach. Father,
How glorious is Your Word and how comforting it is to those who love You! In a world that makes no sense to us at times, when it seems that everything is backwards and upside down, when those things that are good and true and pure are called evil and that which is evil is sought after, we find solace and hope in the scriptures and in the very Word Himself, who came down to us at Christmas. Father, we are grateful for Your love, Your mercy, and Your grace and yet we fail You daily. Mold our lives according to Your will, O Lord, that we may better serve You. Accept the praise of Your humble servants who acknowledge You as our Creator, the Mighty One, the Lord God Jehovah!
Lord, even as we still bask in delight over the re-election of President Bush, we realize that he is still under tremendous pressures and carries burdens that few in history have ever borne. His enemies, both foreign and domestic, still seek to bring him down. We pray for strength for him, and the courage of his convictions, and wisdom that can come only from You, and the peace that passes understanding. Guide his walk each day and let his words and deeds be inspired by You. Keep watch over him and his family that they may remain safe from all harm. As he forms his new administration, lead him to do Your bidding and bless those new cabinet members and advisors who will soon be taking on new tasks.Our hearts go out to those in our military, especially at this time of year. Many are engaged in fierce battles even at this moment and we pray for their safety. Give them boldness and cunning in their fight against the forces of darkness who wish to dominate the world. Hold their families near to Your heart that they may know Your comfort.
Lord, in our distress at those who would remove Your very Name from public places and even from the celebration of the birth of the Your precious Son, we need reminding that nothing can separate us from Your love. We claim Your promise that if You are for us we can prevail against those who would thwart us. Encourage Your remnant to speak up and speak out rather than remaining silent while others try to deny us the very right to speak Your Name. Help us to reclaim our nation so that once again it will be that shining city on the hill, shining forth for all to see and know that You are God. In the Name of Jesus we pray. Amen.