You can say now with certainty that the VRWC that HRC talked about and was laughed at for saying so, has been alive ever since Papa Bush went down to defeat against Bill Clinton in his election of 1992. The prime movers of that conspiracy were none other than the dynamic duo of deceit, Cheney and Rumsfeld, who through their "service" at several administrations had the ins and outs of the Washington power structure figured out pat and had built a vast portfolio of IOUs to call upon when the time arose for their move.This conspiracy clearly assembled the PNAC cabal to write the Global Hegemony mantra as the New Official Doctrine of the U.S. promising endless wars, looting of resources from powerless countries and organizing Disinformation abroad and at home to accomplish their ends. The 9/11 "event" that they needed to set in motion their agenda materialized out of thin air creating paranoia and confusion in a population that has already been conditioned to fear foreigners from the forty odd years of Communist Scares.
Not that it matters, we now have an added feature of the VRWC that elections in the U.S. from now on are going to be as predictable as the elections in the Soviet Union with the VRWC garnering just enough votes to defeat its opponents every time regardless of its performance either at home or abroad. To add spice to the Zeitgeist all media talking heads and the press scribblers are now practically in the employ of the VRWC so that any thoughts contrary to the received wisdom of the herd are quickly drowned out by the chorus.This is what William Colby probably meant when he said that anybody who is anybody in our media is bought and paid for by the CIA.
Our Democracy has been on life support for a long time.It has gone into a coma since the elevation of the nonentity who occupies the WH ably assisted by two of the most wretched characters ever to grace our government.Bernard Kerik is indeed a small time crook compared to those two.