I love this approach to getting the news out and urging people to call or write.
They are very concerned about the new GOP campaign finance reforms, or I gather lack thereof.
http://www.blogforamerica.com/archives/005674.htmlStop the Spread of Special Interest Money in Ohio
Senator Gregory L. DiDonato is the Senate Minority Leader from Dennison, Ohio.For over ten years, Ohio has been plagued by one-party Republican rule. When the Republicans passed their first campaign finance bill around eight years ago, they said they were building the perfect system. They were right. They built a system perfectly full of loopholes. As a result, the FBI and IRS are now investigating Ohio Republicans for allegations of political corruption.
Our governor has now called the legislature into special session for the first time in nearly 30 years to pass so-called "campaign finance reform." I call it special interest protection. Their proposal would quadruple special interest contribution limits. Ohioans need, and Senate Democrats support, less money and more disclosure in politics. Ohioans don't need their leaders beholden to special interests. We urge all Ohioans to contact their state senators and representatives and tell them not to sell the Statehouse—your Statehouse—to the special interests.
Then Senator Marc Dann
http://www.blogforamerica.com/archives/005675.htmlSNIP..."Today, Democracy for America is pleased to welcome several Ohio Senators as guest bloggers on the topic of the Republican-driven campaign finance reform bill in that state. Senator Marc Dann is from Liberty Township, Ohio. He was previously on the Liberty Township Board of Education.
It's hard to believe that in the midst of federal and state investigations about political fundraising scandals, Ohio Republicans would propose quadrupling contribution limits. What they're proposing would allow a wealthy Republican couple to contribute $40,000 to a candidate in a single year—that's more than most working families make in an entire year!
And tonight Senator C. J. Prentiss
http://www.blogforamerica.com/archives/005676.htmlToday, Democracy for America is pleased to welcome several Ohio Senators as guest bloggers on the topic of the Republican-driven campaign finance reform bill in that state. Senator CJ Prentiss is from Cleveland, Ohio. She has also been a State Board of Education Member as well as an Ohio State Representative.
The Ohio Republicans' campaign finance proposal would be funny if not so dangerous. The danger is that only the special interests and the richest Ohioans are able to afford to contribute $10,000. There may also be a chilling effect on average Ohioans who may decide the $25 or $50 they can afford to contribute won't make any difference. In essence, the GOP is catering to Wall Street elites' interest, not Main Street's middle class..."