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Watching as much of "Whore Media" as I could....I'm now a Deanie!

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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 05:55 PM
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Watching as much of "Whore Media" as I could....I'm now a Deanie!
Edited on Fri Sep-05-03 05:59 PM by KoKo01
I know this doesn't mean much here on DU where there are so many Deanies or Deanie boppers........but I've been watching all the candidates and hadn't made up my mind. (Qualifyer: I gave $$'s to Dean when DLC trashed those of us who were against "Iraq Invasion".......but still I wasn't committed........enough for "bumper stickers," enough to be here on DU constantly "touting Dean" which was even getting on my nerves.

My favorite candidates? of my list are a cross between Gebhardt (Labor), Carol Moseley-Braun, (she's a female black candidate but an ambassador...and I love her....but know her time hasn't come) and Dennis Kucinich...for his GREAT PASSION......who is trying to get a message out........(.even if he looks like a Croation Elf....quote from fellow DU'er who understand looks are important: :-() views of the Media Whores on the Dem Debate.......says I have to go with my "Idealistic Instincts!" I was a big Carter supporter........thought he would save the world and get rid of the "Nixon Folks" and bring the Dems into the foreground forever....with tweaks to our philosophy....but we would get rid of the "Cold War Taint" and "Nixon Folks."

Carter couldn't do it.......I worried that Dean was too close to his surge and approval.....and having all of us who would have supported Carter (if any of you young DU'ers had been around then)..........and I voted for Clinton (with some misgivings over Jennifer Flowers...that bothered me..........and Al Gore.......I supported him when he ran the first time for could I NOT support him? long travail with the Dems is closer to those who support the BoSox........We are always hoping they will make it to the "World Series." Year after year......I hear about the BoSox." We are a "Red Socks" family.

BUT.........all this blither, blather from one on DU cares......but it was important to me. My decision as to Whom to support.

I'm Now a DEANIE.........I have to vote with the last "shreds of idealism I have left about America."

If he doesn't make it.......I will leave.....somehow.....some..way!

I may be the last "Romantic/Realist/American Patriot Idealist left in America......and maybe I'm being "self defeating," but ean speaks to me over Kerry. He was my "back up" but he's let me down really badly.

The others need to have support here on DU.......they all have great messages......and we need to listen......and if I can't have Mosley-Braun........or Kucinich.......or Sharpton as the "Press Spokesperson" .......then I have to go to Dean.....and I wish Gebhardt had more "FIRE" and that he defended his War Vote better last night and when I saw him tonight on MSNBC....but he sounded like Kerry.......(I Give the Pres. my SUPPORT......but OMG.....I thought he would work with the UN....I told him.....but he didn't listen!) That's Gebhardt/Kerry and Lieberman is "Out to Lunch with the Repugs!"

Anyway, long rant......and "who cares what "I" think......but I've gone over as "Committed to Dean."

Go Dean...........I don't care if you are Jimmy Carter.....anymore......If the Repugs trash and bury you in your "term in office" SO WHAT??????? You will BEAT BACK BUSH! YOU WILL STOP THEM FROM DERAILING FDR's NEW DEAL..


:-)'s........I feel good now.......I'm committed........I will GO FOR IT! Even if I "GO DOWN" ........I have my "conscience" to answer to. I have to do this.......

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wryter2000 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 05:59 PM
Response to Original message
1. Welcome, Koko
From a sister deanie bopper. I think Dean will whip WA's butt in the election. I only hope that the public will give him a chance to undo all the terrible things WA has done and realize that it's going to take time.
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Racenut20 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 06:01 PM
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2. Perhaps you should check out
Bob Graham for President
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demnan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 06:12 PM
Response to Original message
3. Hey!
You and I are soul mates!!!! First Pres I ever voted for was Carter, but the first I ever campaigned for was McGovern.
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 08:04 PM
Response to Reply #3
10.'s a long history.......good to hear from you.........
:-)'s Did you ever have a chance to meet "Miss Lillian" (Carter's Mother) she travelled with him alot in his campaign and I met her on a train through Conn. with Carter. She was a "Powerhouse!" As different from Babs Bush as anyone could want......A lovely woman who volunteered and went to serve in the Peace Corps.....I believe she was in late 70's or 80's when she did that.

She was a JFKennedy type. "Ask Not what your Country Can Do for You! As What Can You Do......."

Nice lady...
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Pastiche423 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 10:45 PM
Response to Reply #10
19. Ah, Miss. Lillian
She had more spunk than Jimmy and Billy combined. I wanted her to adopt me. lol

I truly believe Jimmy got more votes because of her.
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Cha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 06:15 PM
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4. Wow! Welcome KoKo! I'm Thrilled that you want to support Dean~
I'm curious, though, ..was there anything in the debate last night that made you decide?

I loved reading your story..that's what's so Neat about DU..all the personal journeys!

I was wearing my "DeanforAmerica" pin at work today @ the Co-op and and this older lady who owns the hardware store in town ask me why I wanted Dean for Prez!

She kept saying.."I hate bush ..we got to get him out of here before he destroys our Country" I'm like "YEAH!"

I told her I started looking at Dean about a half an hour after Gore said he wasn't going to run and it was because Dean didn't want to RUSH into Iraq and I've seen no reason to jump my Ship, since!

I'm sure I will talk to her more about it down the line. She mentioned she has been for Gephardt but keeps hearing all this buzz(my word) about Dean and wants to know more about why supporters want him. Wearing my Dean Pin has lead me to the best conversations about politics and our Country!

The Dean Campaign is fortunate to have you in their corner! WooHoo! :D
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 06:57 PM
Response to Reply #4
7. zidzi, it wasn't the "Debate." Oddly enough....It was the Media coverage
of the Debate that "threw me over" the line I had set.........I was leaning......and I like so many of our candidates who had the courage to go against Bush....I wanted to see how it all sorted out.....and I wanted to watch Kerry to see how he did......would he come on stronger....would he "CONVINCE" me.

Sadly, Kerry didn't......Kucinich is a great guy.....I hope he stays in...I did give him a little $$'s...but not enough...but going down to Moseley-Braun (I love that ladies smile and her diplomacy.....and courage to show up on all these debates) and then farther down. to Gebhardt.......who as a "Populist" which is where I think I am....should have been my top candidate......and he let me down in the House....not fighting hard against the Repugs...but still I hoped for him.. was the "Media Analysis" on the Cable Waves..tonight.....the night after the debate that "turned me" to vote with my instincts and conscience.......even if we don't "make it."

I gotta' do what I gotta' do.........In the end, that's what called it for me. I'm just a RedSocks person.......

Someday we will win the Series.....and be the Yankees. And, I'm not even a person who likes professional sports.......but there's the "PRINCIPLE" of the thing.........

I know......sounds sort of weak....but it's not "weak" to me......
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Cha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 09:38 PM
Response to Reply #7
13. It's not "weak" to me, either! I know exactly what you mean...
and can relate.

I'm not a professional sports person, either, but I feel like I should be for The Redsox and, of course, I would have been for "Seabiscuit"! :D
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liberalnurse Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 06:35 PM
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5. I am glad you took the time to process all the candidates.
I really believe in Dean. It did not take me long to make my selection. I shop that way too. One kind of knows what fits, and Dean really fits the mold to fight *bush effectively. I have seen him 4 times, and my intuition is saying, "He's the One."

He is empowering......He has revitialized the party! Followers keep multiplying like those " Tribbles" from Star Trek. Thats what it will take. None other has captured the voice of the people like Dean.

Welcome aboard! :bounce:

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0007 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 06:56 PM
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6. Great Post!
Ya just can't judge a man by his appearance.

Harry S. Truman looked like an agitated hawk. He defeated the polished Thomas E. Dewey in 1948.
Truman was a big underdog.
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Pavlovs DiOgie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 07:32 PM
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8. You seem to have spent much time on this decision
Edited on Fri Sep-05-03 07:33 PM by Pavlovs DiOgie
I'm so glad for you that you came to a decision you feel good about. In your honor, I'm adding my Dean sig (I took it off for gully's ABB thread a few weeks ago).

Also, since I love CMB's smile so much, she's my new avatar. :)

edit: grammar
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 08:00 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. Many thanks to you and those welcoming me......I won't be rah rah.
because I like some of our candidates......and think those who support them have plenty of time to still do that......but I had to make a I did.

There's time for many of our DU'ers to sort all this through....and to love their own folks. So, I'm not going to be recruiting. But, I also understand those of you who will!

Thanks for your special treat for me! :loveya: Pavlovs DiOgie.....nice!
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Penible Donating Member (39 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 08:28 PM
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11. Dean

Howard Dean the tsunami machine!

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Cha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 09:41 PM
Response to Reply #11
14. Hey! I like that!
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 09:31 PM
Response to Original message
12. Oh.......well.....kick......thought I might get more folks welcoming me...
:-(.........It's that ego thing.....Took me a long time to decide this........But, that's okay......I'm happy with my decision and it's mine.....don't need fanfare.....banging drums.....loud cheers......
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Cha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 09:43 PM
Response to Reply #12
16. Here's a little drum!
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CMT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 09:42 PM
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15. welcome to the club
it is great to have you.
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LizW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 10:03 PM
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17. If everyone picked a candidate for the reasons you have
this country would be in a whole lot better shape!:D
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Demobrat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-05-03 10:31 PM
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18. Welcome from me.
I don't usually get involved in the really partisan threads because, well, I come here to learn and not to fight. But this is how it will happen. One well-reasoned, carefully thought out decision at a time. (Of course I made a completely emotional decision before the war because Dean gave me hope for the first time since the installation).
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