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The Freeper's Sinister DU Divide and Conqur Plan

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ChicanoPwr Donating Member (536 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-17-04 12:27 PM
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The Freeper's Sinister DU Divide and Conqur Plan
Please read. I don't know if it was posted before. I found this on this the scam-o-rama blog site.



A strategy to pursue? And it is fun to boot.
Posted on 12/11/2004 9:25:17 PM PST by Terr

Here is what I think some of our strategy should be in order to ensure Democrat party's disarray:

1. The DU activists are in a tizzy about the "election fraud". They are all tangled up in "statistical analysis" of the election results and exit polls that they think "proves" that there was fraud, are pushing recounts, etc. This is good and should be encouraged. Let them recount and "crunch numbers" - it is harmless, will not change anything, and keeps them concentrated on the past. Even better, it keeps them frustrated, because they are so sure that fraud happened, but cannot find any proof of it (since none exists).

2. Keep this "fraud" hysteria going. Infiltrate their forums, like and push the fraud theory. We already have some people flooding that forum with bogus "statistical analysis" posts. Support these people when you see them. Keep telling Democrats on these forums that there is no way that Bush could have won without fraud, that the exit polls were right, that mathematics show that there is a trillion to one chance that the election results were legitimate etc. The more their activists sink into the morass of despair over how they were "cheated out of the presidency" the less actual thinking and planning they will be doing for their political future.

3. There are some clear thinkers among the Democrats, even on They may turn the thinking towards future elections, political strategies, etc. Disrupt that. Accuse them of being "freepers" for daring to think there was no fraud. Promote the idea that anyone who does not believe in the "fraud" meme is a stooge of the Republicans. With enough attacks, this will either convert them into the "fraud" brigade, or drive them away - either way, a plus.

4. Longer term, the "fraud" advocates will not go away. These people are so married to that idea that nothing will convince them. Encourage that. Since no proof of fraud exists, they will go deep into conspiratorial theories. Encourage that. People who think that way will be discouraged from general political activism - hell, why vote if "they" will cheat you out of the vote anyway, right? With luck, we can extend this all the way to 2008 elections.

5. The hatred of Bush - this is very useful. Keep fanning it. Their hatred is what lost them these elections, and their hatred, if maintained, will extend their losing streak. Post inflammatory anti-Bush rhetoric. Start threads with topics like "How much do you hate Bush?" and "I hate him, I just hate him". Don't shrink from the task. The more they hate, the more they will lose.

So - go to it. Don't underestimate the power of a well-placed conspiracy theory, it may work wonders in despiriting the other camp.
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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-17-04 12:28 PM
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Reposting freeper disinformation propaganda serves no purpose. They just want to make us paranoid.
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