Edited on Fri Dec-17-04 12:51 PM by Steely_Dan
Some Random Thoughts from the Attic
Originally, I was going to write down a few of thoughts concerning the Christian Right…and other such insanities. But you know, lately, I’ve been experiencing great difficulty in organizing my thoughts. Anyway…I realized that trying to make sense of the Religious Right only made my head hurt worse…a little like a brain-freeze from eating “too cold” ice cream.
So, I thought I would just write down a few things that I have learned over the years…
The country started going downhill when venerable stadiums named after great athletes and other pseudo-heroes changed their identities to things like: “3 Com Park” or “Sprint Arena.” What’s next? “The Tidy-Bowl Super Dome?”
In 1980, I learned that I was a Liberal…three days later I learned it was a “bad” thing.
You cannot put your foot in the same stream twice.
Nationalism is a thing of the past. Unless of course, the Republicans remain in office.
The United States has become that neighbor down the block that everyone talks about but doesn’t want to get too close to.
There is something very wrong when I can watch “The Wizard of Oz” anytime day or night. Somehow it lost some of its mystique.
To be consistent, you can’t be against abortion based on the “sanctity of life” and still be the first in line to throw the switch on an electric chair.
Easter was actually named after a “goddess of fertility.” Hence: the egg thing.
In order to remain “intellectually honest,” one should never say that they are an “atheist.” I mean…isn’t it just as impossible to prove that God doesn’t exist as it is to prove that he, she, it does? Isn’t it just best to say (as an agnostic), that we are not even remotely capable of understanding the concept of a grand deity?
The word “fuck” is an acronym meaning: “For Uncommon Carnal Knowledge.”
Extremism, by its very definition is wrong.
Burt Reynolds was the actor originally cast to play the leading role in “One Flew Over the Coo-Coo’s Nest.”
Darwin’s theory of evolution is NOT a theory.
“Future Shock” can be applied to Republican thinking…The world is just too damn complex to keep up with…better to go back where it’s safe.
No one remembers Francis Farmer.
Sometimes I think it would be better to operate off of instinct and not reason.
Stanley Kubrick was a better filmmaker than I thought.
Oh yes…and the Beatles were a pretty good band after all.
The inability of any two opposing views to effectively communicate with each other can best be described in the statement: “If I have to explain it to you, you wouldn’t understand.”
In the first four years, the rest of the world only hated Bush…in the second four; they will come to hate all of us.
Existential angst has always dominated life.
Yes, it is indeed possible to look for love in all the wrong places.
No, I will not change my core beliefs to insure that a Democrat gets into office.
The clock on my VCR flashes at me in a mocking way. I hate that.
James Taylor is going bald…it makes me feel so old.
There is no such thing as a more humane way to kill people.
Sometimes I identify with Holden Caulfield more than I want to. I miss Phoebe.
I’m closer to my death than my birth.
Cary Grant never said “Judy, Judy, Judy.”
I think that we could solve a lot of problems if we could just answer the question: “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?”
Rock ‘n Roll all sounds the same these days…what happened to originality?
I’m less terrified of someone’s spirituality than I am of their religion.
I could never put the same nut on the same bolt for eight hours a day.
Sometimes I feel like a Macintosh in a world of PCs.
Edward R. Murrow would be ashamed of what passes for journalism these days.
And finally…
Paper or plastic?