Guys, I went to my local Blockbuster last night, because the husband and wife who run it are lefties. And so I always have a great convo with them. (We were all under agreement that F 9/11 should have been released in Australia before our federal election or your election back in November.)
Anyway we got to talking about F 9/11 because it had just come out for rentals only, (if the Australian government doesn't stop it from being released for buying, Aussies might be able to buy it in just over a months time) this past week. The guy told me that they almost didn't get it because head office had tried to stop their stores from purchasing it.
So it seems that Howard is going to try and protect the little boy wonder, so my question has to be why? Howard knows that Bush* doesn't have any popularity here in Australia. So why try and protect him for?
Anyway, I just wanted to give you all a heads up, on what is happening here in Oz.