The Media's Favorite Think Tank
How the Heritage Foundation Turns Money into Media
By Norman Solomon
Based in a spacious brick building a few blocks from the Capitol, the Heritage Foundation is running the most effective media operation in American politics. Heritage has succeeded with a savvy strategy: Raise a lot of money from rich people with a right-wing agenda. Hire writers, commentators and out-of-office politicians who share that agenda, and call them "fellows," "policy analysts" and "distinguished scholars." And, always, back them up with a public-relations juggernaut that's second to none.
The big money came easy. Back in 1973, beer baron Joseph Coors contributed a quarter-million dollars to get the project rolling. Since then, some very conservative foundations and wealthy families have been key benefactors for a soaring budget. Today, Joseph Coors is an honorary trustee, and the board of trustees includes such bluebloods as former Treasury Secretary William E. Simon, Richard M. Scaife, Grover Coors, Jeb Bush and Amway Corp. co-founder Jay Van Andel.
The Heritage Foundation boasts of enormous clout on Capitol Hill--yet insists that it doesn't "lobby," a necessary denial to retain tax-exempt status with the IRS. News outlets of all sizes don't seem to notice the contradiction....."
SNIP.."If you have any doubt that the Heritage Foundation is engaged in systematic lobbying, consider the words of Heritage vice presidents Stuart Butler and Kim Holmes, published in the 1995 Annual Report issued in spring 1996:
Butler: Heritage now works very closely with the congressional leadership.... Heritage has been involved in crafting almost every piece of major legislation to move through Congress.Holmes: Without exaggeration, I think we've in effect become Congress's unofficial research arm....
We truly have become an extension of the congressional staff, but on our own terms and according to our own agenda.Butler: That's right. As Kim knows, things have been happening so fast on Capitol Hill we've had to sharpen our management skills to take full advantage of the opportunities.
There has also been an unprecedented demand on us to "crunch the numbers" for the new congressional leadership...."END SNIP
And this was in 1996, can you imagine what they are doing now?