What's wrong with this picture?Bush Considers Domestic Spending Freeze"WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush is considering asking Congress to freeze domestic spending next year or cut it slightly, even as he prods lawmakers to allow younger workers to divert some of their Social Security taxes into personal investment accounts.
The two plans, which promise to be dominant issues next year, share a common thread: massive federal deficits that have set consecutive records, peaking at $413 billion last year. The shortfalls have prompted Bush to seek savings from non-defense, non-domestic security programs, and have limited his options for shoring up Social Security for the looming retirement of baby boomers."
Then you have this from another side of the media mouth.Inaugural Price Tag: $30M-$40M"Planned are nine official balls, a youth concert, a parade, a fireworks display and, of course, Mr. Bush's second swearing-in ceremony at noon on Jan. 20. The cost will be between $30 million and $40 million, an amount that
does not include expenses for security."
Doesn't it just piss you off?