has the video.
Yaron Brook, from the Ayn Rand Institute was on The O'Reilly Factor Friday night and was so over the top that he even scared the bejesus out of Bill O'Reilly!
Brook: I would like to see the United States turn Fallujah into dust(isn't it already?)...if you are going to support the insurgents, you will not have schools, you will not have Mosques....
Bill: But then we would be Nazis...
Brook: We did not create more enemies we created more friends....We brought the Japanese people to their knees and it is the only way you can establish a democracy in a culture which is so opposed to freedom, is bring their culture to it's knees.
As lunatic as some of the extremists are, Brooks surpassed them all by implying that we should drop the bomb on civilians and level all of Iraq in the name of freedom. He made Ann Coulter's venom seem like raspberry Kool Aid. He reduced a usual Hannity vitriolic tirade into an annoying elevator music serenade. Now that's quite an achievement!