Edited on Sat Dec-18-04 02:12 AM by bobweaver
I maintain my own web site as basically apolitical, because the things that I sell have nothing to do with politics. But since it becomes popular at certain times of the year, I have often felt tempted to include political messages as a way of "helping the cause."
However, I have also come to realize that quite a few of the people that buy from me are very conservative. Probably the same ratio of liberals/conservatives as the general public. But I have had quite a few phone calls over the years with people who were very right-wing (NFA types) and I have received e-mail messages from people complaining about regulations with the usual "f*ing liberals want to take away all my freedoms" rhetoric.
So by including political messages on my web site and in my publications (which are basically non-political in nature) I have alienated some of my customers. During the period where it looked like Hillary Clinton was going to run against Rudy Giuliani for Senator from New York, I had a statement asking people to vote for Hillary, and listed the reasons why Giuliani was unacceptable. I received some hate mail from Clinton-haters who also told me the weren't going to buy my products because of that. (Giuliani dropped out of that race and I was greatly relieved to be able to remove my message about it, and the hate mail instantly stopped.)
Earlier this year, I had a banner ad for Kucinich for a few months, and got only a couple comments about it, but I think most people didn't even know who Kucinich is and it didn't push anybody's buttons the way a Kerry banner would have.
I have considered simply adding links to liberal web sites to my web site. The dilemma is: do I want to risk alienating customers who may lean conservative, and possibly lose their business? I don't mind selling my products to them, their money is just as valid to me as money coming from liberal customers. But I could be harming my own business by bringing political statements into it, even though I may be helping political causes at the same time.
Does anyone who is reading this post have a similar situation? If so what is your judgement about including political messages or links on commercial, non-political web sites?