What do you think? News
FreeRepublic "spy" squad infiltrates rival forums
DISCREDITED Internet forum Free Republic has been sending spies over to rival websites. Paranoid insiders on the mediocre message board have a designated moderator whose brief is to log the goings-on at other sites and report back to his superiors. It is thought hundreds of posters have been banned after the spy passed on valuable information to FR owner Jim Robinson.
"Through our spy we have been made aware of planned newbie attacks," admits one of FR's admin moderators. "Yes, we are the recipient of planned anti conservative attacks. Thanks to our spy, we have a heads up." The information comes to light in top secret internal threads obtained by FRS investigators. Click HERE for the full story.
The Mod Squad
JUST WHAT would happen if Free Republic's much criticized moderators handed over the reins to ordinary posters? Well, thanks to our investigators, you can judge for yourselves. In a bizarre experiment last year, members of the FR Advisory Board were invited to become "Moderators By Proxy". We are exclusively sharing the secret experiment with you the readers. Click HERE to see the secret threads.
'We don't bash homos...'
DIM-WITTED Freeper Jim Robinson has goofed again - by telling his readers to stop bashing "homos". In our "Moderator by Proxy" internal thread, Robinson tells poster "Dixie Sass": "We are going to continue to be mindful of others. We do not use racial slurs and we do not bash homos, etc."
"This hilarious remark sums up Jim's stupidity and insensitivity," revealed an FR insider. "Another poster
had objected to homosexuals being called "queers" and Robinson dived in with both feet. The irony of his remark completely escaped him. I wonder how many of these "homos" pay to keep his forum afloat. He really is a clown!" Read Robinson's remark on post #297 of THIS thread.
FRS Forum?
READERS keep asking when we will finally set up an FRS forum. Rest assured, it is in the pipeline and we would welcome your comments and suggestions. Anyone interested in signing up should email us HERE.
Freeper Blackmailed
A FEMALE Freeper has revealed how she was "blackmailed" by another woman after she copied essays and tried to pass them off as her own work. Popular poster Victoria Delsoul admitted she was guilty of plagiarizing a series of articles but said that she had since received a menacing poison pen email from a former Freeper threatening to expose her cheating. Read the full shocking story INSIDE.
Call the A-Team!
SOMETHIN' WEIRD in the neighborhood? Who you gonna call? The FRS investigators, that's who. The readers who actually fund Jim Robinson's flagging forum are not permitted to see the secret threads in which controversial decisions are made. But thanks to us, maybe they can. We rely on our readers to email those threads to us. All you have to do is click the link above - it's totally anonymous!