This post has raised a few questions and before it fades into response overload -- I like to comment on it
my partner is also "concerned" and "afraid" of my involvment on the DU and similar activities. She has expressed this many times. Other Duers have also mentioned that a partner/spouse etc are also "fearful"
What's wrong with this picture? We are suppose to be living in a democracy where FREEDOM OF SPEECH is one of our VALUES. The bush*it spin is that we invaded Iraq to bring the Iraqi people their freedoms and OBL/terrorists are attacking us because they hate our freedoms....
What Freedoms do we have when people are afraid of speaking out, of standing up, of defending our VALUES of DEMOCRACY? Were you afraid of speaking out before bush* was (s)elected? Were you concerned that "men-in-black" would be knocking on your door? What does this say about our country? Our "freedoms"?
Is this the country we want where we censor our words and thoughts? During the 50's we saw McCarthyism -- the Soviet Union was going to nuke us, Communism was going to take over -- better dead than red. Are we not in the same situation? Iraq is going to nuke us, Iran is going to nuke us, North Korea is going to nuke us, Radical Islam is going to take over -- better shut up or you are dead.
If we don't stand up and speak out -- then who will? Do we sit around and wait for someone to invade us in order to give us "freedoms"? Should we go hide in the celler and speak only in whispered tones lest a bushie reports us to the "speech-police"? Is this the country we want? If we don't speak out, if we don't stand up -- then it's going to be the country we deserve.