This is a continuation of a piece that was written for a 'dystopia' thread in the new Writing forum. Yes, it's a nightmare scenerio, to be sure. But, if the fundamentalists are allowed and even encouraged to continue their agenda, it is a nightmare we could see coming to pass here.
The Diary of Dan FrankOutside Ithaca, NY. In the year of our Bush 2007The Fundamentalist PapersThe entire purpose of The Fundamentalist Papers was to gain popular support for the then-proposed ReConstitution. Some would call it the most significant public-relations campaign in history; it was, in fact, the bedrock document for the secularization of the United States as a sovereign Christian nation.
If enough of us are writing these things down, perhaps a record will remain. That will have to be reason enough to continue.
By the time
The Fundamentalist Papers, as they came to be known, were enacted into law, we knew it had become inevitable. The perverse and parasitic marriage between wealthy men controlling virtually the entire economy–including virtually all news and entertainment–though their metastacizing corporations and the terrified and enraged masses ready to remake the nation in their "Christian" vision was locked in holy stone.
In the months following the nuke attack in South Florida and the LNG explosions in the Pacific Northwest, a panicked populace was artfully driven into the arms of the most aggressive of the evangelical conglomerates, Our God's America (OGA). OGA's leaders, Pat Roberston and Jerry Falwell, the twin pillars of American christian hypocrisy, stated their organization's goals unequivocally–the restoration of the country's fundamental Christian foundation.
History, be damned! be continued?