I've been reading that HR2239, the bill in the house that would require paper ballots and other safety measures to ensure clean elections with electronic voting machines, has been stalled by Dennis Hastert and Tom DeLay. They won't even bring it up for a vote! It's been stalled for about two years now and so has it's companion bill in the senate.
I'd like some opinions on whether or not you think this would be a good idea:
Get an organization (Move On or someone like that) to run some 527-type TV advertisements, especially in these two guy's districts, that explain in simple terms the issue and ask why these men are stalling the bill. "Dennis Hastert doesn't want clean and honest elections!!" or something of the sort. They could even say something like "Tired of hearing complaints of voter fraud? Well, do something to make sure all elections are clean and verifiable."
I say we should run these ads in every district of any congressman/senator who didn't sign on to this bill and ask what these guys are afraid of. Stress that this should be a non-partisan issue and is all about fairness of our elections and the integrity of our democracy and that these guys are against democracy!
Good idea? Yes or no?