Edited on Sat Dec-18-04 02:21 PM by Clark2008
were first cheerleading this war, you would have heard me say that this was bound to happen - that Iran would come into Iraq and be accepted with open arms. I knew it - just a surely as I know the sun rises in the East.
My ex-husband is Arabic. When we were married, I more than dipped my toe into their culture: I read the Qur'an (didn't convert, but it's as beautiful a book as the Bible and the Torah in pure literary terms), I learned what drives the Arab nations, I learned the truth about how the mainstream Arab feels about Israel (they don't want to drive it into the sea, no matter how much you read that they do - they just want land for the Palestinians, as well) and what they think needs to be done to ensure their prosperity and peace.
What I also learned was that Arabs will side with other Arabs and like-minded people before they would ever acquiese to Western culture, even though they enjoy jeans, pop music and television. I knew that upon Iraq's fall - and I knew we would "beat" them (duh!) - that Iran would swoop in from on high and create one big Shi'ite nation, possibly more fundamental in its beliefs than the Taliban. Iraq would have a democracy, all right, a democracatically elected fundamentalist Shi'ite leader who would turn on the United States more than Saddam Hussein ever could or would have.
How come, a former reporter turned stay-at-home Mom turned marketing professional, who makes chump change, knew this and all those highly-paid, so-called experts at the Pentagon and in the State Department and in the Bush Administration's cabinet didn't know this?
Well, they did - but they didn't believe it. Chalabi (who I also knew was a wanted criminal in Jordan) painted such a pretty picture to Cheney and Rummy and Wolfie - learned from the extremist-Muslim tales of Allah supplying virgins to martyrs, no doubt - of liberated Iraqis throwing flowers and candy to the troops that they ignored 1500 years of historical reference.
Oh, and then there was that oil thing...