You continue to use only the most obvious examples of horrid behavior involved in this conflict, and I will make no apologies for them: the individuals involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extent, along with anyone else on up the chain of command that allowed or facilitated such behavior (and that includes Rummy and Shrub).
However, you seek to condemn all servicemembers serving there, not drawing any kind of distinction between those who committed the acts you trumpet and those that are actually trying their best to repair the damage done. You would choose to burn the saints along with the sinners, simply because you refuse to acknowledge that there may actually be some saints in your most hated organization.
Yes, I hate this war, more than you can imagine because I have been sent to the Middle East 11 times, earning three Valor devices along the way. Each time I went, I realized that this was an exercise in duplicity. I knew that the WMDs would not be there, as did most of the people I serve with, and believe me it made me sick to my stomach when BushCo trumped up the case, and parasites like Faux News took up the call to further push the BS. But I knew that, whatever else might happen in this most egregious example of a BS cause, I needed to at least somehow minimize the damage in any way I could, and if that meant helping to educate my fellow servicemen on the BS reasons we were there, or treat wounded humans (no matter what side they were on), then so be it.
But to equate my actions as criminal simply because I was there is more offensive than anything Faux News could have ever said.