a person takes the middle of the road approach, they tend to be all things to all people. They are the voice of reason that drips with (sniff) caring and compaaasion. Eventually they stick their foot on their mouth. I didn’t have to wait long for Paul Martin as he bellowed out that Canadians are concerned about the misery and suffering in other countries. The first country that came to my mind was Iraq. Of course, since the UN, didn’t care then why should a “sovereign nation” like Canada care?
There was the usual crowing about how the liberals balanced the budget. The hell they did. It was the Canadian tax payer that balanced the budget. For example, here in Alberta the Klein government cut spending. This along with increased revenues through economic growth is what balanced the budget. That’s when you say the government balanced the budget.Lots more. If you need a laugh, read the prattling of a true nut (link above)