on Discovery Times called "Someone's Watching". It's a two hour show about the use of electronic surveillance and other technology and how info is gathered by companies and the government to track every thing we do from what kind of medicine you use, what kind of job you hold, where you eat, etc.
It also talks about the Patriot Act and how the airlines uses a program called CAPPS II to track potential terrorist, and how - depending on your name - you can be singled out for extra scrutiny when you fly.
I found this show informative, but scary in the extreme with some of the crap our government is doing all in the name of security. I mean some of the junk was crazy.
For instance, they had the name of a terror suspect on a watch list by the name of David Nelson. So every one that came into an airport to fly with that name was pulled out for extra inspection. They pulled out an 8 year old kid, a Rabbi, an African-American guy...all of them had this name. It was so stupid.
For anyone that is interested in watching it, if you have this channel, it repeats again starting at 6am est.