president would have no problem buying the rest of the bilge that comes from the "morans" that spew support for the Asshole in Chief. They are told so it must be true. "Yes, Master, I believe."
The ability to actually do critical thinking is not a plus for the freeper crowd - and Rove & Co. have learned to play this card exceptionally well. Most freepers just need a constant barrage of hate talk to reaffirm that their sorry little lives are all in the toilet because the Democrats thought everyone should be treated equally, that the Democrats took God out of their lives (not true, but...), and that fear has overtaken their lives completely. They are scared of anything and everything so BoyGeorge plays to the lowest common denominator.
They have to swallow the lies so that supporting this war and the war crimes and the killing are all OK. They HAVE to believe these lies, they HAVE to wear blinders, they HAVE to drink the Kool Aid and believe that one day they'll sit down with GeorgyPorgy and have a beer and their lives WILL finally, finally have purpose. For this they are willing to ignore the truth. The do not recognize that Dim Son hates these people - has never, ever associated with them in his live except during campaigns for photo ops. The GOP hates these people more that the Dems do - after they have their vote.
They have BEEN TOLD there is a liberal media - ergo it must be true and they don't cloud their hate filled minds with the truth. They use the Democratic Party to explain away the total blandness or failure of their own lives. This administration has done nothing BUT lie - WMD's, Saddam, budget costs, civil liberties, torture, slam dunks and flowers, arming our military - heck too many lies to begin listing - and the rich GOP members are laughing all the way to the bank.
Liberal media - what an oxymoron. What a colossal lie.