Five Theses from the Great White North
Found these on the discussion board from I consider religious fervor the most prevalent form of mental illness in the US today, but I found these particularly compelling and allow DU'ers to use the hypocricy of most Freeptards against them. Who knows? Might even get a few of them to rub a few brain cells together.
Should we nail these to the door of the RNC?
1. The Republican Party has attempted to serve two masters, God and Big Business, in direct violation of Jesus' admonishment to serve only God
2. The Republican Party has engaged in the idolatry of insisting that allegience to the USA is the same as allegience to God
3. The Republican Party has fostered the violation of the Ninth Commandment ("You shall not bear false witness against your neightbor") by encouraging and propagating slanders against its political opponents
4. The Republican Party has desecrated God's gift of the Earth and all its creatures by fostering pollution and waste of our environment
5. The Republican Party has attempted to turn Christianity into a government controlled program by teaching government endorsed versions of Christianity in the schools and in our courts