From the UK Guardian - scary indeed.,6903,1376917,00.htmlTony Thompson, crime correspondent
Sunday December 19, 2004
The Observer
Up to 2,000 men and women are being robbed each year after having their drinks or food spiked with powerful sedatives, The Observer can reveal. According to one expert, drug-assisted robbery is now a much bigger problem than drug-assisted rape.
Male victims are often targeted by women who lure them with the promise of sex. Many such men are married or in long-term relationships and are therefore reluctant to report the crime.
According to Graham Rhodes of the Roofie Foundation, an organisation set up in 1997 to help victims of drug-assisted rape and campaign for increased sentencing, there may be as many as 2,000 cases of drug-assisted robbery each year compared to about 900 incidents of drug-assisted rape. Although the drug is most commonly used by men against women, one-in-10 victims of drug-assisted sexual assault is male.
Rohypnol, available on the black market for as little as £1 per pill, is popular as a date-rape drug because it increases libido, does not fully incapacitate the victim and wipes out almost all memory of what has happened. GHB, also known as liquid ecstasy, has similar effects and is used for the same purpose.
So you literally wouldn't know what hit you.