As much as Firefox is an excellent tonic against some of the barbs of browing with IE, since I've begun using Maxthon (formerly MYIE2) I can't give it up!
It's true its based on the IE engine so you're not getting the extra shield powers of firefix, but otherwise it wins hands down for me.
It's got powerful ad and content blocking as well as some key features I find indispensible for surfing DU inlcuding:
- Tabbed browsing (yeah firefix has this) -- having tabs allows me to easily surf a page like GD here, quickly picking the pages I want to view. Every page that has some interesting links are tabbed for me to get to. Often times I'll end up with the max of 250 tabs open (see autosave below with what to do with all of them)! It's amazing to quickly follow a couple of google searches to pages of estoric knowledge you'd never even heard of before -- without such powerful tabs, you're stuck with the page-in/page-out of most browsers which limits your mind's ability to juggle information to what a single page holds.
- "Super drag and drop" -- this is great, to open a new tab you just click on a link and drag it a small distance away and drop it to create a new tab with that link -- it also works if you highlght a word or sentence, drag it, and voila, a new tab with google search results for that highlighted word/phrase
- Page Groups -- allows you to save a bunch of tabs as a group and open it when you first start. I've got DU, a bunch of blogs, and even the DNC and JK sites (the latter two to watch them change over time) auto opening when I start my browse. You can save as many groups as you like and when you close Maxthon it asks if you want to open those tabs next time you start again, or you can save them then as a group to check out later (or share with friends)
- Mouse gestures -- a flick of the wrist takes me to the next tab, the previous tab, closes a tab, ZOOMs into or out of the page, as well as in-page navigation (up/down) -- you can create a gesture for just about any function (I remember when the myie update finally allowed me the zoom-in!)
Some awesome plugins
- "Save All Tabs" -- this is KEY for DUers who want to keep track of those "disapearing threads" -- With a single click Maxthon automatically saves all tabs as html (.mht all-in-one with graphics actually if you want) automatically with their date and time. I've saved hundreds if not thousands of copies of DU pages from DU now... Just in case...
- Enable Right Click -- for pages that block it
- Wheel zoom -- allows you to use the wheel to zoom in on the page or just on images (very handy when you want to see the look on *'s face in some chimp pic!)
- Highlight tools -- auto-highlighting of your search terms (like google's cached page but even better)
- Invert page -- instantly makes white black and vice-versa -- very nice on your eyes after long hours in the DU threads -- i'm using it now!
- Copy URL tools -- say i've got 15 pages open on a subject, this grabs them all and pastes them as a new tab or to the clipboard or saves it as a file
- Tab slide show -- you got some really good tabs to show off just click and sit back with your popcorn
- Continuous Reload -- to keep a page updated for you
- Auto page scroll -- sit back and read
- And Much Much More... It slices, it dices, it julienne's fries!
For the power-surfer Maxthon is arguably the most amazing browser since Mosaic (and that's now over 11 years!!!
If you've got questions about Maxthon, don't hesitate to PM and ask me anything :)
FWIW I think Firefox will get hit with a serious exploit within the next 3 months as the liars and con-men of the spyware world take note of Firefox's "instant success", realizing there's millions of new suckers, er, people feeling they're super safe.
Every program has exploits and these liars and con-men are making too much money now (estimates are 10s of millions to be made in the Spyware game) -- I always point out to people that Viruses, which we're all fairly well acquainted with, is more like kids with spray paint vandalizing your place -- its a pain BUT the kids are not making money and don't have any incentive to really do more. The spyware people are like a 1000 really nasty salesmen lined up at your door, knocking all night long, wandering around the house looking for open windows or even cracks in which they can slip in their ads, cameras, transponders, etc. knowing that YOU are THEIR pot of gold ... :<
All the best,