Jim Hatfield connected Osama bin Laden to an aerial attack on George W Bush at the Genoa G8 summit, weeks before 9-11. He also brought up the name of one James R Bath, ex-Texas Air National Guard, one time House of bin Laden USA "business agent" and one-time BCCI big wig. Hatfield "suicided" a couple of weeks after publication. Weird, huh?
Why would Osama bin Laden want to kill Dubya, his former business partner?By James Hatfield
Editor's note: In light of last week's horrific events and the Bush administration's reaction to them, we are reprising the following from the last column Jim Hatfield wrote for Online Journal prior to his tragic death on July 18:July 3, 2001—There may be fireworks in Genoa, Italy, this month, too.
A plot by Saudi master terrorist, Osama bin Laden, to assassinate Dubya during the July 20 economic summit of world leaders, was uncovered after dozens of suspected Islamic militants linked to bin Laden's international terror network were arrested in Frankfurt, Germany, and Milan, Italy, in April.
German intelligence services have stated that bin Laden is covertly financing neo-Nazi skinhead groups throughout Europe to launch another terrorist attack at a high-profile American target—his first since the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen last October.
According to counter-terrorism experts quoted in Germany's largest newspaper, the attack on Dubya might be a James Bond-like aerial strike in the form of remote-controlled airplanes packed with plastic explosives.
Why would Osama bi Laden want to kill, Dubya, his former business partner?
http://www.onlinejournal.com/Special_Reports/Hatfield-R-091901/hatfield-r-091901.htmlBTW: A hearty welcome to DU, Red State Blues!