Here is a post with edited links that I made a year ago. It did not get much attention. Hope it gets more now. This first link is absolutely the best one.
Myths and Realities: Get the Facts! #1
Social Security and Medicare won't be there for me when I retire. REALITIES:"Realities: Social Security has provided a lifeline to millions of Americans with millions of checks, and in more than 60 years has never missed a payment—and this track record can continue.
Social Security is basically a sound system that can meet 100 percent of its obligations for the next 39 years, and with responsible changes it can continue to do so indefinitely.Medicare is a social insurance program that has provided guaranteed health insurance to millions of older and disabled Americans since it was established in 1965. Medicare and Social Security have worked hand in hand to lift millions of Americans out of poverty over the past three decades. To this day, Medicare continues to be a sound system that has delivered an expanding array of health care services reliably.Social Security and Medicare will be there for young workers—if we insist that it will be there.
There are plenty of things we can do to make the necessary repairs to Social Security and Medicare, and we've got time to do them. If we choose to make these adjustments, Social Security and Medicare will be around for generations to come. " (MUCH more at the site)
The Derailing of Social Security SNIP..."And yet experts from the Heritage Foundation and Cato Institute have repeatedly and falsely claimed that Social Security is bankrupt--and the media have let them get away with it. For example, in an executive summary of a June 1998 report entitled "Social Security's $20 Trillion Shortfall," the Heritage Foundation author, Daniel J. Mitchell, flatly claimed "the Social Security system is bankrupt." When Mitchell repeated that lie on Good Morning America the following month (7/26/98), the ABC reporter interrupted him--not to correct him, but to indirectly support his views by pointing out that 84 percent of participants in a survey on ABC's website favored some sort of privatization.
Of course, ABC is not the only network that fails to challenge the misinformation of these think tanks. In January 1998 on CNN's Newsday and again in December 1998 on CNN's Your Money, the anchors claimed that "Social Security starts having cash-flow problems just 14 years from now." According to actuaries at Social Security, at the end of 2015, which is 17 years after that broadcast, Social Security will have assets of almost $2 trillion. I'd like to have cash flow problems like that!...."
The Generational Gambit SNIP...."The media have been duped by a clever campaign whose intention is to get rid of those nasty Social Security programs. Perhaps the idea of "generational warfare" was too good a story to question. Whatever the reason, the media have turned an ideological assertion into conventional wisdom—and in the process have distorted the political voice of an entire generation..
Marketing Generational Conflict
The story of "generational conflict" begins with a handful of strategists and their organizations, the media sources for the myth of Generation X. The first of these was Americans for Generational Equity, or AGE, an organization that demonstrates that with proper funding, it's possible to launch an unsubstantiated idea and see it turn into the standard media view.
AGE had three adept founders and leaders: executive director Paul Hewitt, who continues to direct campaigns to privatize Social Security from his base at the right-wing National Taxpayers Union; research director Philip Longman, who recently published an anti-entitlement tome called The Return of Thrift; and Sen. Dave Durenberger (R.-Minn.), who later pled guilty to theft of public funds....."END SNIP
The Medicare drug plan is a result of well-planned attacks, and now the same groups are going after Social Security.
This compilation of articles by FAIR is quite eye-opening. They are using the media against us, just as they did for Medicare.