Edited on Mon Dec-20-04 07:16 AM by itzamirakul
standing in line so long to vote? They should be out looking for jobs. It just proves they are all welfare cheats with nothing "better to do with their time." After all, they were probably ALL going to vote against our VUNDERBAR! President, anyway...so who in the hell cares if they got to vote? Or that they were uncomfortable? Hell, they should be glad that we dragged their ancestors over here in chains anyway!
And just to show you how unimportant their votes were, just look at the way THEIR OWN PARTY treats them...at least the way the DLC/DNC treats them. You don't see any moderates fighting for the voting rights of their own disenfranchised members do you? Oh, no! Instead, they have leaders like Al From, who are going on tv shows, wasting time bashing Michael Moore instead of being OUTRAGED at the treatment of their own members.
Why shouldn't Bush feel that he has a mandate? He has his own party behind him as well as the centrists of the Democratic Party.