After seeing them take my dad out with chemo and radiation... and after seeing the mounting list of drugs that my mother's quack has put her on while I know of perfectly effective and safe alternatives to these toxic drugs..
I stand defiant in the face of what is known as "traditional medicine". I abhor their lack of training in the naturopathic realm. I respect their "expertise" not.
They pain me when they say "I think it is all hype" when a viable effective alternative to a toxic medication is mentioned.
They are the true snake oil salesmen primed up by detail men from the pharmcos, knowing no limit to profitting off the ignorance of their patients in many many cases.
Bromelain is useful in the treatment of a wide range of conditions, but it is particularly effective in relieving inflammation associated with infection and physical injuries.
Studies have shown that bromelain may help in the treatment of the following:
Surgical Procedures and Sports Injuries
Wounds and Burns
Nasal and Sinus Congestion
Arthritis and other Inflammatory Conditions
Bromelain supplements may be as effective as some commonly used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medications (such as ibuprofen and diclofenac) for reducing pain associated with osteoarthritis. Similarly, preliminary studies suggest that bromelain may also help reduce the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Plus, long-standing use of bromelain suggests that this enzyme may be helpful as part of the treatment for other connective tissue disorders including scleroderma (build up of tough scar-like tissue in the skin and, at times, internal organs), bursitis, and tendinitis.
Some scientific evidence from test tubes and animals suggests that bromelain can fight against infectious agents such as viruses and bacteria. Therefore, bromelain may prove a useful addition to conventional treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections. More research is needed.
Amyloid is a protein-like substance that can build up and cause damage to many organs in the body such as the kidneys, liver, or heart. This build-up of amyloid is called amyloidosis. In one laboratory study, researchers examined the tissue of one person with a strong family history of amyloidosis. They found that bromelain may help breakdown amyloid deposits in kidney tissue. This very preliminary finding does not indicate how this information will translate to treatment or prevention of amyloidosis for people in general. Much more research is needed.