1. Republican 'agents' helped Bush 'win'
Ohio - Kenneth Blackwell is not only head of the Bush Campaign, but also is the Secretary of State and can declare if the Election is fair. (Florida anyone?) Blackwell had also defended Diebold from the claims of it being too partisan.
Diebold - The votes that Diebold counts can not verified in any way. It is also not a conspiracy theory that Diebold only had love for only one Presidential Candidate, Bush.
2. Fear (terrorism) has prevailed on this Election
Osama - OBL had appeared in front of the world (just as many DU'ers predicted), and although he said neither Bush nor Kerry can protect Americans, many people on Fox News said Osama took the Democrat's Anti-Bush phrases and used them against him. (Thus, Osama looks Anti-Bush, rather than Anti-Kerry)
3. People believed the Lies
Swift Liars - The Swift Boat (Liars) for Bush had smeared Kerry over and over again. Two strange things, First off why did a small portion actually believe (They were proven to be contradictory, liars, and some of them had even praised Kerry before)? Secondly, why did Kerry's advisors not tell him to take action while it was early?
The so-called 'liberal' Media - The Media advocated the Swift Liars, repeatedly helped in the smearing of Kerry. There was a 'Crossfire show' where Kerry supposedly supported the idea of a war against Iraq. This was a blatant lie, yet Rev. Moon's paper, the Washington Times and also Fox News supported this outright lie.
4. Possible Solution
How to start a fraud investigation - We will need to start investigations into Diebold, Kenneth Blackwell, the Swift Liars, Reverend Moon, the Washington Times, and Fox News. I am confident that it will eventually lead to Bush.