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The GOP has taken the Peace and Love out of Christmas

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bleedingheart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 03:02 PM
Original message
The GOP has taken the Peace and Love out of Christmas
The GOPers who are always arguing over who is the better Christian, have basically put the spin on Christmas. The media is now focused on getting people to hate "liberals" or anyone that wants to take religious symbols out of government buildings.

This situation works out well...because instead of people contemplating that this holiday is about God sending his son to earth, heralding a new era of Peace and Love....

They are rallying for their tax money to be spent on having a creche on the courthouse steps...

But what would Christ have wanted? I personally think he would cry that in 2000 years we have not learned to live the lesson of turning the other cheek, of treating others as we would would like to be treated...

I think Christ would have wanted us to help the least among us by feeding, clothing and sheltering them...not putting up displays for show...but holding in our hearts the message of goodwill and peace to all.

I also believe that he would smile upon all those liberal activists who have preached and marched in the name of peace.

I know that I will be praying for peace and doing my best to spread some goodwill about.
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bleedingheart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 03:31 PM
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1. self serving bump...
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housewolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 03:47 PM
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2. Here's what I think...
I've spent a couple days trying to sort through this and come to some understanding, as the behavior of some of the right-wing Christians in the christmas flack has been so shocking and (seemingly) out-of-character with christian principles.

I agree with you, I think Christ would fall down and weep his eyes out at the behavior some of his followers are exhibiting in his name. It's disgraceful and it is harmful to other individuals, to society and ultimately, I believe to themselves. (I mean, what good do they do themselves when they coerce, force and manipulate other people to say "merry christmas" to them instead of "happy holidays'?? That type of controlling behavior is an abuse of power and ultimately erodes the spirit of the coercer).

In trying to gain some perspective on the matter, I am reminded that there is a group of conservatives who have been talking about the culture war for years now, and we (the left, or at least me) have pretty much discounted that kind of talk. It's not something we've recognized or given any validity to, yet the talk has continue.

Well, today I think that they've been serious about this culture war business. I think they believe they have been the victims of some forces engaged in changing the culture in ways they are not comfortable with and don't like (I am not going to speak about whether there is any truth to their charges or not, but only to give validity to their BELIEF that they have been victimized).

It occurred to me yesterday that they have been engaged in this culture war for years now, and we have not. We have just been going about doing whatever, living our lives, expressing ourselves and our creativity, doing our jobs, raising our kids, trying to make the world a better place. While in the meantime, another group of Americans (however large or small I do not know), has been recruited into a war against us.

Now, "they" have become emboldened by the election results. from their perspective, it was "our" election that was won, "we" are so proud that GWB "is one of us," "we" won this election for GWB and now IT'S PAYBACK TIME BABY!

As I see it, the christmas flack was a head-on attack of the culture war. After years of suffering the onslaught of the left eroding their culture, "that group" (whoever they are) now has power and they are going to use it to fight back.

I think we need to wake up to the idea that they are taking this seriously and are seriously intent upon causing us pain and inflicting injury. They are organized, they are motivated, and they have a communications system in place to call out their troops. (As an aside, yesterday the question of the hour on C-Span's Washington Journal was "has christmas become part of the battle?" On the right's phone line, caller after caller recited their talking points: our founders founded this nation as a christian nation, christmas is a christian holiday, it should be celebrated as a christian holiday), they all had the points down in a row. Someone must be sending out an email list telling them what to say when they call into c-span.)

I think we need to take a look at this and figure out if and how we should respond, these attacks are likely going to continue.

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Robbien Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 04:17 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. It is organized and has been organized for a long time
The general population has been under attack for a while now but just doesn't know it. So we keep losing.

The right-wing global corporatists have a whole organizational structure built up to keep their foot soldiers in line and coordinated. That is the purpose behind right-wing talk radio, religious television and Fox and groups such as Focus on Families.

We got nothing. Heck we are clueless there is even a war going on.
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keith the dem Donating Member (587 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 03:53 PM
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3. I am personally involved with a very elaborate
yet simple and meaningful creche----AT MY CHURCH!!!! In real constitutional America the deeply religious imagery of the creche has no place on public property and I believe loses all its meaning. The depiction of the humble birth of a man who was latter put to death when he when he was veiwed as an insurgent to an imperial government is out of place in a public square. The full meaning is best explored in a religious setting.
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UdoKier Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 04:01 PM
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4. Yep. Everything they start ranting at some shop clerk...
... for saying "happy holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas", they are totally ruining a nice sentiment and going AGAINST what Christmas is all about - love of family, peace on earth and goodwill towards men, etc.

If I were a cashier berated like that, I'd say: "Well, I'm Jewish (I'm not really) - I'm Jewish, so if you say 'Happy Hanukkah', I'll wish you a merry Christmas".

Hello, fundies! "Happy Holidays has been around for generations! It's not PC lingo. Remember the Christmas Carol, "Happy Holidays"? There is nothing wrong with being inclusive!

And PC zealots, if somebody gives you a sincere "Merry Christmas", there's no reason to be offended. Just say "Thanks." and move on if you don't celebrate it.
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bleedingheart Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 04:25 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. I purposely use Happy Holidays more now because of their
goofy rants.
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