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DFACorps: 200,000 Minutes of Talk Time

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 03:30 PM
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DFACorps: 200,000 Minutes of Talk Time

"Last week, Arianna Huffington touched on the subject of wounded soldiers who are unable to call home during the holidays because the government will not pay for their long-distance calls.

Feel like talking to your loved ones while you recover from a wound you received fighting for your country? Not unless you can get someone to give you a handout.... Yet here was Rummy claiming: "We're focused on the power of saying 'thank you' to people. And not just 'thank you' to the troops, but also their families." As long as it's a local call.
In November, we asked the DFA community to step forward and revitalize the service aspect of Democracy for America with a call for phone cards for those men and women who are spending the holidays in veteran's hospitals. In response to that call, you have generously contributed over 100,000 calling card minutes!

Democracy for America is matching your outstanding efforts with our own contribution of 100,000 minutes. This means hundreds of veterans across the country will be able to connect to their home for free. We are sending the cards to nine veterans hospitals in seven different states this week. Every hospital we spoke to was thrilled to receive the minutes—most know this will be the only way for their patients to make a long-distance call home this holiday season.

Governor Dean was also impressed by the DFA community's effort, "There is more to Democracy for America than just politics and campaigning. Our supporters want to personally make a difference in people's lives. These phone cards are just one small way to tell our troops thank you for keeping our country safe and secure."

Congratulations on a successful inaugural DFACorps effort—we hope that this is becomes the first step of many. Together, we can make changes happen!....."

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mzmolly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 03:32 PM
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1. Absolutely beautiful.
WE are supporting the troops! *snif*
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janx Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 04:09 PM
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2. kick
So glad to hear this...
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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 07:35 PM
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3. "more to DFA than just politics and campaigning."
Right, Gov. Dean, there is.

I was just listening to Thom Hartmann telling about going to a DFA meet-up in Burlington. He said they were lining up offices to run for, even dog-catcher....don't know if he was joking. They were getting organized, finding out dates to file, etc.

Then he said Howard Dean popped in for a visit and spoke, and when he left Bernie Sanders came to speak. I do love VT politicians.

Wouldn't that have been a great evening?
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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 10:52 AM
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4. DFACorps: Fundraising for KQED

DFACorps: Fundraising for KQED
Will Carsten is the Outreach Director for San Francisco for Democracy.

SNIP..."On the evening of Saturday December 4th, ten of our members volunteered at the local PBS television station, proudly displaying our San Francisco for Democracy t-shirts. The station, KQED, was conducting their annual Winter Pledge Drive in support of their year-round efforts to bring quality educational, informative and entertaining programming to the Bay Area. We were the largest group of an even larger group of volunteers who, in one night, helped raise over $50,000.

This was just one of a number of DFACorps events we continue to be involved in. Some of our more photogenic members (of which I am not one) got some quality air-time. There were also a couple of good shots of our logo, and we received on-air acknowledgments for our efforts.

I think a good time was had by all. I know it was a lot easier than calling undecided voters in Iowa. Ah, the good old days. We may even have recruited a couple of new members from the other volunteers that were there. This is something we look forward to doing again very soon."

—Will Carsten

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