What's even more ridiculous than the wingnuts frothing at the mouth over the "Christmas under attack" nonsense are the DU'ers who are feeding the beast.
While you're separating yourself from the "politically-correct" nonbelievers, you're aligning yourself with the "religiously-correct" right-wingers. Be sure and check out the article below:
"Heathen Rage Against Christmas" - because if you're a left-winger, to them, you're still anti-Christian.
From my blog:
http://positiveblasphemy.blogspot.com/The "Tyranny of the Minority" continues...The right, especially the religious right, who now enjoy complete control of all branches of government, are still not happy. They continue to play the "victim" card. This time they are the "poor, persecuted Christian majority", who are being victimized by the 'politically-correct" minority. In actuality, they are on a crusade to impose their "religiously-correct" view of America on the rest of us. Their hubris is truly mind-boggling.
Here are a few examples of their latest meme:
"Taking Back Christmas""Heathen Rage Against Christmas" (This one's my favorite. It's by a freelance Christian writer and it's got lots of hate-filled Bible quotes justifying the destruction of liberals and other non-believers. )
"We'll Take Christmas Back Where It Belongs" "Taking Back Christmas" by Cal Thomas
"Conservatives Aim to Take Back Christmas""Now, the Theophobes" by Tony Snow
"Theophobes are trying to steal Christmas""Christmas Under Siege: The Big Picture" by Bill O'Reilly

Edited for links