Old news, but I did not know it. Also he goes after the partisan match-up on this Sunday's MTP.
http://mediamatters.org/items/200408300011SNIP..."Robert "No Disclosure" Novak strikes again
On August 30, The New York Times revealed that syndicated columnist and CNN Crossfire co-host
Robert Novak -- whom the Times called one of the "stoutest defenders of Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry" -- has a conflict of interest in writing and speaking about the book: His son, Alex Novak, is director of marketing for its publisher, Regnery Publishing, Inc. But that isn't the only connection between Novak and Regnery -- there are other connections Novak has not disclosed while discussing the publishing house and its books.
Novak is a trustee of the Phillips Foundation, along with Thomas L. Phillips and Alfred S. Regnery. Phillips is chairman of Eagle Publishing, Inc., of which Regnery is a subsidiary. Alfred Regnery is a director of Eagle Publishing and, according to Eagle's website, is "president of Regnery Publishing, Inc."
Eagle publishes the Evans-Novak Political Report, which Novak edits.
Sunday's Meet the Press is attacked today by David Brock at Media Matters.
http://mediamatters.org/items/200412200005Imbalanced two-person "political roundtable" on Meet the Press featured discredited conservative Novak."SNIP..."The December 19 edition of NBC's Meet the Press "political roundtable" featured nationally syndicated conservative columnist and CNN host Robert D. Novak on an imbalanced panel for the fourth time in 2004. Novak appeared alongside Wall Street Journal political editor John Harwood. As Media Matters for America has documented, Meet the Press has frequently featured media panels in which conservative guests outnumbered progressives or conservative pundits were pitted against journalists who are not politically aligned.
Novak has a history of distorting the truth to serve his own agenda. As Media Matters has noted, Novak has vigorously promoted books from Regnery Publishing, Inc., without disclosing multilayered conflicts of interest, including the fact that his son is the director of marketing for the company. While Novak's history of using his commentary as a platform for Republican propaganda extends back to the Nixon era, Russert described Novak as only "Robert Novak of the Chicago Sun-Times," and didn't once mention Novak's history of partisanship. Among the views espoused by Novak on the program was that the choice of former Vermont Governor Howard Dean for chairman of the Democratic National Committee "would be a terrible message for the Democratic Party...
he indicated to hell with you for all the people who voted for Bush."