Why do they keep attacking him???????
why does any party attack another party???????
if rebublicans liked a democrat they would attack him/her just the same... just as would democrats attack a republican they liked.... why?
any party only cares about "WINNING"....
i don't care about party affiliates winning, i care that the people win, not some figure head in a party... winning for the people, the citizens, the 9 to 5 folks... the ones wondering where the money for their childrens teeth is going to come from... the people with the most to lose and the most to gain dependent upon how their employees are going to work for them, the public servants, how will they work for the people... you, me and our neighbours...
i am for kucinich... for me, he is of the people and has the people in the forefront of his policy issues... even if the pundits make him sound "BAD"...
i vote for the people, i am of the people, we are the people... the public servants are our employees and that is how i vote.