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Holiday quiz for activists (great party game!)

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Liberty Belle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 08:57 PM
Original message
Holiday quiz for activists (great party game!)

By Miriam Raftery
(Liberty Belle)

Are you hosting a holiday party? If so, entertain your progressive-minded guests with this quiz for activists. Add up the scores, then reward the winner with a door prize—such as a book by your favorite liberal author. Happy holidays!

If you walked precincts for any Democratic candidate, give yourself 1 point. If you traveled to a swing state, 2 points. If you wore out at least one pair of shoes, 3 points.

Give yourself 1 point for each Democratic bumper sticker on your car. 2 points for Stolen election or Impeach Bush stickers. If someone vandalized your bumper and you bravely put on a new sticker, 3 points.

If you manned a phone bank, 1 point. If you ran up your long distance bill calling swing state voters from home, 2 points. If you asked Santa for tickets to the anti-inaugural ball in Washington, D.C., 3 points.

If you’ve participated in a stolen election protest rally, 1 point. If you went to Sacramento’s rally, 2 points. If you organized a rally, 3 points.

If you rely on the Internet for most of your news, 1 point. If you forward news on Democratic issues to others, 2 point. If you run your own progressive website, forum or blog, 3 points.

1 point for every Republican you converted to vote for Kerry. 2 points if they live in a Red state. If you are a reformed Republican, give yourself a bonus point.

If you’ve contacted your Senator or Representative asking them not to certify this election, 1 point. If you met with them in person, 2 points. If you’re so fed up that you’ve decided to run for office yourself, 3 points.

If you’ve sent a letter or called the media to protest biased coverage, 1 point. If you got a letter published anywhere, 2 points. If you’ve created a “national media blaster” e-mail file to reach all outlets with the push of a button, 3 points.

If you’ve left flyers in public places to promote an activist Democratic agenda, 1 point. If you’ve spoken in a public forum, 2 points. If you’ve signed a book deal and you’re ready to hit the lecture circuit, 3 points.

If you read Howard Dean’s book, 1 point. If you understand why the DLC (Democratic Leadership Council) is bad for the DNC, 2 points. If you’re running for a local committee to help “infiltrate” our party from the ground up, 3 points.

If your spouse thinks you’re crazy for your progressive actions, 1 point. If your whole family is sure you’ve gone off the deep end, 2 points. If you’ve converted your family to the Democratic cause, 3 points.

If you’ve talked with your children about your political concerns, 1 point. If you’ve taught your teens how to prepare for conscientious objector status, 1 point. If you’ve enlisted your kids in taking action to protect Democracy, 3 points.

If you’ve read the sermon by an Austin, Texas minister on the dangers of fascism in America, 1 point. If you’ve shown it to your priest, minister, or rabbi, 2 points. If you’ve convinced your religious leader to give a similar sermon, 3 points.

If you’re “shopping blue” this holiday season, you’ve earned 1 point. If you shopped at Wal-Mart, subtract a point. If you’re giving a progressive book or video to a Bush supporter or a new voter, score 2 points. 3 points if your gift list includes a “Fox Blocker” for those you love. Congratulations on your holiday spirit!


0-10 Couch Potato Patriot: Good start. Now get moving!
11-30 Grassroots Activist: The heart and soul of democracy.
30-50 Rabble Rouser: Clearly an opinion maker, not a
Over 50: Liberal Leader: What are you waiting for?
Please, run for office!

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KyndCulture Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-20-04 09:37 PM
Response to Original message
1. I was thinking drinking game
But then I realized, I'd be pushing up daisies from alcohol poisoning half way through!
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Liberty Belle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-21-04 12:58 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. LOL! Most of us would be under the table by now.
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