Dear ( ) Mr. ( ) Mrs. ( ) Mr. & Mrs. ______________________:
I regret to inform you that your ( ) son ( ) daughter ( ) parent ( ) husband ( ) wife ( ) brother ( ) sister ( ) other relative ( ) opposite-sex domestic partner ( ) gay lover we didn't manage to catch and kick out
whose name was ________________________ and who was previously assigned to _____________________
was killed in ( ) Iraq ( ) Afghanistan ( ) Iran ( ) Kuwait ( ) Saudi Arabia ( ) ___________________
on ______________________.
( ) He ( ) She was killed by ( ) enemy gunfire to include artillery, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades ( ) suicide ( ) fratricide ( ) improvised explosive device ( ) starved to death because Halliburton refused to bring him or her any food ( ) died of dehydration because Halliburton refused to bring water, either ( ) traffic accident ( ) land mine ( ) some stupid shit he or she did ( ) we're not quite sure, but he yelled "hey y'all, watch this!" first ( ) ____________________.
( ) His ( ) Her buddies are ( ) saddened beyond belief at the loss of your Soldier and their friend ( ) pissed-off that the Defense Department can pay a Halliburton employee $1000 a day to peel potatoes and flip burgers but couldn't spare $500 to get him or her an armored vest that would have kept him or her from getting killed ( ) ambivalent because they never liked him anyway ( ) sad that he's gone but happy they get to split up his food, if it ever arrives ( ) dead too
Your Soldier's personal effects will be ( ) returned to you as quickly as we can ( ) sold at a pawnshop in Fayetteville to pay off his or her outstanding debts to the government ( ) __________________.
Your Soldier's remains will be returned to you in a ( ) flag-draped casket ( ) body bag ( ) gallon-size Ziploc bag, once we finish finding them
Your Soldier's final pay and allowances will be ( ) sent to you in the form of a government check ( ) deposited in your bank account ( ) seized to pay off outstanding debts to the government
Your Soldier is entitled to a military funeral with a firing squad and bugler. Unfortunately, the sheer number of war dead has depleted our supply of both. Therefore, you will find enclosed a CD of a military firing squad and a bugler playing Taps. Please return the CD in playable condition not more than 48 hours after your Soldier's remains have been disposed of or you will be assessed a Late Fee of $1 per day. A mailer has been enclosed for your convenience. Just insert the CD, affix $1.45 in US postage stamps and drop it in any mailbox.
Once again, we express our deepest condolences for your loss.
//ORIGINAL SIGNED// Donald Rumsfeld Secretary of Defense