Can you guys please pass along these very important links? One is an in depth documentary on 9-11, the media, journalists and politicians who have died since 9-11, the Bush administration, PNAC, and the wars, called "Painful Deceptions". Its in 4 parts from the DVD... The other DVD link is two very interesting documentaries on the religious right and their connection to Bush and the Repuglicans.
The liberty link is especially interesting, as it was a documentary made in the early 90's with Burt Lancaster hosting it. It's one of the most interesting and insightful poltical documentaries I've ever seen. It shows some really scary clips of Falwell and Robertson in all their rapturing political glory, and is extremely telling of where we are today. Is it any wonder documentaries like this do not get made or shown these days? I think people would freak out. Sad... Anyways, please pass these on to others...Thanks...