(Some examples of freeper comments/infighting/solutions(?) on, Bush reaffirming his pledge to cut the deficit in half):
An income tax cut to between 15 and 25 percent will help get us those 1 to 2 trillion dollars needed to cover Social Security reform, if the Shameless Ones don't find some other use for it. 73 posted on 12/20/2004 7:42:22 PM EST by Tolerance Sucks Rocks (Deport 'em all; let Fox sort 'em out!)
The first taxes that have to go are the income tax, social security tax, and property taxes. Anything that penalizes people for earning a living or investing in a home is destructive. 82 posted on 12/20/2004 9:23:57 PM EST by FITZ
If they would simply freeze all spending for a decade, we'd have a large surplus within a few years. 12 posted on 12/20/2004 1:59:29 PM EST by RockinRight (Liberals are OK with racism and sexism, as long as it is aimed at a Republican.)
Save Social Security BY;..
Reducing the entire federal government by HALF...
Use the expenditures(money) for Social Security..
Then go through Social Security recipients with a means based program to allow ONLY destitute old people to recieve it.. all others dropped like a hot rock.. 15 posted on 12/20/2004 2:11:29 PM EST by hosepipe (This Propaganda has been edited to include not a small amount of Hyperbole..)
(Now fow a few of the smarter, somewhat reality based Freepers):
Yup. He's a bald-faced liar. He wouldn't know "strict discipline in spending" if his hand was held while watching a "Schoolhouse Rock" segment on pinching pennies.
This is prima facia evidence he's NOT, that's N-O-T, conservative. Ditto his anti-American "amnesty" scheme. 92 posted on 12/21/2004 1:56:20 AM EST by newzjunkey (Demand Mexico Turnover Fugitive Murderers:
He pushed for a 40% raise in Education spending. And this bloated Medicaid Bill, farm bill etc.. etc.. etc... The list goes ON and ON and ON. He is DIRECTLY responsible for a good portion of this huge spending and we should all condemn him for it. No clue why conservatives don't howl over this. We are getting too fat and lazy ourselves.
If he doesn't slash and burn spending in his next term I swear I will never vote for a Republican Presidential candidate again (unless a Reagan comes along).
He has a veto pen - use it! Like Sanford of SC!28 posted on 12/20/2004 2:40:27 PM EST by traviskicks
Bush proposed $1 billion for hydrogen. Bush proposed $15 billion to go to Africa to fight AIDS. Bush proposed a $110 billion Farm bill, the biggest ever. Bush proposed a senior prescription drug benefit that was originally promised to cost $440 billion over 10 years, updated to $524 billion before the ink was even dry. These weren't things Congress pushed on him - these were very much his own ideas. I hate to say it, but he's outspending Clinton by a wide margin - and these aren't defense-related expenses, either. 34 posted on 12/20/2004 3:15:29 PM EST by coloradan (Hence, etc.)
More of the infighting at: