The Iraqis are scheduled to have their first election in January of 2005. Bush has said that this is Iraq's 1st step toward Democracy and freedom. However, with violence increasing and with 3 poll workers assassinated in Baghdad 2 days ago, the whole event is tenuous.
Bush acknowledged this yesterday. He admitted that the insurgent attacks wer having an effect on the "organization of free and fair elections there next month". See the thread called "Iraq elections are in trouble, Bush admits".
Canada was just asked to participate and be poll watchers. They refused, citing security concerns. The UN is only contributing a handful of people, saying that security is so bad, they cannot guarantee the safety of their people.
So the question comes up: why have elections right now? Why bother when the average Iraqi does not have regular electricity, has problems with running water, safety would be a concern! Iraqis take their lives into their own hands when they walk out their door.
Besides, who's doing the choosing (the nominees for President)? Is it the Iraqis, or is it the US? This reminds me of Henry Ford, as they were building the first Model-T cars. There was some dispute about the color. Ford said to his designers, "Choose any color, as long as it's black".
Answer: this election is not meant for the Iraqis. It's for American consumption. As long as "progress" is being made, that somehow "freedom" and "democracy" is being exported to Iraq, the increasingly suspicious Americans will go along with the ruse.
As the US meets with failure after failure and Iraq descends into chaos, the Image Makers create new mileposts and ever-receding goals to make us fell we're "winning" in Iraq.
William Kristol, the "Godfather" of the PNAC, kept hammering away about the elections, and how they could not be postponed, under any circumstances. He obviously understands the American mentality, which has a very limited shelf life for patience.
Prediction: the Iraqi election will be a Non-event. There will be maybe 10 or 15 ballots cast. More Iraqis will die from participating. The insurgents have promised the 4th of July fireworks on election day. The news will do its best to show that everything is wonderful over there on election day, but who will even go in there? With their TV cameras & film crews.
It will be seen as a huge failure. Bush already knows this. That's the reason behind his swollen, puffy face in the Yahoo article.