and a very surprised Marine Corporal....(E-4) We took twenty phone cards to Balboa, where many of the overflow wounded are now convalesing. Well we give the cards to the Corporal who says, and this is as close as I can make it. "We have received enquiires from across the nation, we have no idea who put the word out." My husband, the ever so conservative Navy Chief (the Corporal assumed), told him, teh word was put out by the Al Franken Show, Randhi Rhodes, the Democratic Underground, the Mike Malloy Show, and I added, and we learned of Balboa from the Bernie Ward show. What do they all have in common? Oh yeah, they are all Democrats. The face of shock and surprise was amazing in that man.... did I mention the bush chenney bumper sticker in a not so obvious place? So here he is, dealing with casualties, wondering WHO exactly is suporting the troops, and he is shocked to learn it is them damn Democrats.... and this is exactly how you place the seeds in the mind of folks and this was a big boy... I doubt he has been in the sand box quite honestly. You think we just put a big kibush in the right wing propaganda machine? I mean I am suposed to hate the troops so they tell me... Al Franken is suposed to hate the troops so they tell me (and he is dodging mortars in the middle of a show. The cheap seats did not like his performance I guess). Robin Williams is suposed to hate the troops, so they tell me, but he is o'er there, so where is O'Reilly? Hiding under a desk... how bout Rush? Could get killed doing that... yes folks this is what will change the views of many if they had any doubts. Hey slowly but surely things are changing... and yes we have many now with the ever so popular buyers regret.