The lives of the Iraqis and Americans will improve tremendously if we just pack our soldiers up and get out. We can pay to rebuild what we have destroyed. It will be a hell of lot cheaper and save more lives if we get our military out of Iraq right now.
All this carnage is taking place just so the Bush regime can save face. They lied about Iraq as an imminent danger to the US, they were wrong on all counts about the political climate in Iraq. We can't wait for the media to put the pressure on only we can do it. The families of the dead, dying, and maimed soldiers must face the reality that their losses were based on a lie to benefit the political career of Bush and political agenda of the neocons. It never was about fighting the terrorism that spawned 9/11. The invasion of Iraq was an opportunistic war crime.
You think you should be afraid of terrorists?
You should be more afraid of the returning soldiers who will be suffering from the evil of this war. You can't invade another country and kill innocents and do what we did to people and remain sane. It is just impossible. The Spouses, children, and relatives of the returning men and women will suffer immensely just as they did when the Viet Nam vets returned home.
DAMN the press!!