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Conyers, Greens convinced of integrity of vote - Why am I not reassured?

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UdoKier Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 02:11 AM
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Conyers, Greens convinced of integrity of vote - Why am I not reassured?

Observers rule out computer tampering
Tuesday, December 21, 2004 Posted: 8:15 AM EST (1315 GMT)

LOGAN, Ohio (AP) -- Election officials watched Monday as a technician repeated a repair he had made to a vote tallying computer, then announced they had found no evidence of any sort of tampering, despite a congressman's request for an FBI probe.


Elections officials, a Green Party representative, prosecutors and an officer who investigates computer crimes were among the observers Monday as the same technician repeated the repair and answered questions.

Rapp explained that the 14-year-old computer's battery needed for rebooting was low.
The technician swapped the hard drive to a newer machine to read the information needed for reboot before reinstalling it in the original.

"During this whole process, the ballots were locked up," Rapp said.

Uh, yeah, the ballots weren't touched but what "information needed to reboot" was being uploaded? The logarithm that tells the tabulator how many votes to add to Bush's tally for every Kerry vote?

Was this recount all done on tabulators? Wasn't there supposed to be a hand recount? Doesn't Canada count ALL its votes, by hand, on one night?

I wish I felt reassured by this story.
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sandnsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 02:17 AM
Response to Original message
1. It's one machine
Do we have any reports of this happening with any other machines? This shouldn't happen, but unless there's a pattern of irregularities with a particular voting machine, this machine fraud story is getting pretty weak. I would have thought people would have put together some sort of systematic process of tampering by now.
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Lone Pawn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 02:41 AM
Response to Original message
2. So which is more likely now?
Edited on Wed Dec-22-04 02:42 AM by Lone Pawn
Come on, guys. Which is more likely:

1. Bush stole Ohio.
2. John Kerry, who spent the last two years of his life working 12 hours a day to become president, gave up, because he really doesn't care.
3. John Edwards, whose political career went from being DNC Wonderkind to being on the verge of 'over,' didn't say anything, because he's positioning himself for '08 and didn't want to sound like a nut.
4. MoveOn, which poured millions of dollars into the greatest grassroots fundraising-advertising machine ever created, is actually a bunch of weak whores who don't care.
5. America Coming Together, which pioneered innovative use of the internet, doesn't care.
6. Al Franken, who wrote a NYT #1 bestselling book on lies and fraud, and who for three hours a day rants gloriously about lies and fraud, doesn't want to jump on what would be the biggest fraud of the century.
7. Michael Moore, who wrote two NYT #1 bestselling books on lies and fraud, and who made the most successful documentary of all time talking about lies and fraud, doesn't know or doesn't care about the biggest fraud of the century.
8. The MSM, which is nothing but a pack of whores looking for a cheap story, feels like passing up on all this evidence.
9. Keith Olbermann, who looked into it, was forced away from it by MSM Evil Overlords, despite his denials.
10. Rolling Stone has a conservative bias, since it called theories of conspiracies found only on the internet "internet conspiracy theories," despite ample evidence that the editors are actually flaming lefties.
11. Despite more national newspapers endorsing Kerry than Bush this year--and despite more Ohio newspapers endorsing Kerry than Bush this year--not a single national newspaper feels like running a serious story on this.
12. The DLC finds the position of powerless minority far easier to work within for their whored-out agenda than the position of having the white house occupied entirely by their whores.
13. Howard Dean, firey anti-Bush crusader, is actually a whore who doesn't really care about this election.
14. The Green party, which is the definition of a ideology-first, electoral-success-second party, is actually a bunch of corporate whores or is too stupid to get it.


1. Bush won Ohio based not on fraud but instead on lies during the campaign season, and thus won re-election legally, though immorally.
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UdoKier Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 03:29 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Michael Moore doesn't quite seem convinced of the validity of the election
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Lone Pawn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 06:42 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. Read the latest issue of Rolling Stone.
The interview in there. He pretty much shoots down the 'internet conspiracy theories' regarding Ohio. Both he and Dr. Dean both say "get over it."
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UdoKier Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-22-04 05:33 PM
Response to Original message
4. kick.
I need some more people to tell me my suspicions are crazy.
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