I've been to two inaugs., and I can tell you it's easy to get lost in the crowd. Especially with the * admin. doing everything they can to stop free speech on this day, voices won't be heard.
If anyone going wants to make a "signless" statement, they should equip themselves with a EMINEM black "Mosh" hoodie sweatshirt. The MSM would have to cut away from crowd scenes completely if there was a huge mix of "black" lining the streets. Also, the cops can't turn folks away because of what they are wearing.
Since protests will be squelched almost completely, the "black hoodie" would be a good way to gauge who in the crowd is not "for" the prez. At a certain time, they can turn their backs on the festivities or "boo" when the oath is taken.
Now THAT would be something that the media cameras could not ignore.
Almost like a funeral for 'Murica.
I just think that any protest attempts will not be covered by the MSM. Everyone, no matter what they are protesting, must somehow show their displeasure with the admin., and I think this is a good start.