I've been debating this with a friend of mine for a while, and we might actually do this. It's possible, but probably unlikely.
We write a book together that essentially backs up all the BFEE lies, such as that war in Iraq, outsourcing of jobs, worldwide petroleum reserves, G8 summits, corporate power, etc.
But we just make up the sources and inflate the numbers to some unrealistic level. Make it look on paper like everything's go go go! Use a couple of decent statistics maybe, but do the math so wrong that there's no way to make the book coherent at all.
Make terrorism look really dangerous and important, and set up the final chapter to make a totalitarian police state look like a really attractive option.
Then, hit the talk-show circuit and just make myself look like a total jackass on purpose. Make things up on the spot, dodge questions, sweat a lot, keep fumbling with a pen, just blow up on stage and make myself look totally stupid.
Wrap it up with an interview on Democracy Now! exposing the whole thing.
What do you think?